How many hours of movement a day do you think you get? Can you even measure it in hours, or would minutes be a more accurate tool of measurement?
Sadly, research shows that we have become the most sedentary population of humans EVER. Today the average American clocks in 13 to 15 hours a day of sitting. When you add to that 8 hours of sleep a night (yes, we all need 8 hours!), we really aren't leaving ourselves much room for movement.
Excess sitting is now linked with at least 35 diseases and conditions, including obesity, hypertension, back pain, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and depression.
Studies have shown that increased movement can lead to a 10 to 15 percent increase in productivity. An increase in activity is also associated with better memory, reasoning, and learning. It even plays a crucial role in managing your body's response to stress and can help ease feelings of anxiety and depression. We need to get moving people!
So, I want to challenge you to try your very best to add at least 30 more minutes of movement to your day from here on out. I know you can do at least 30 minutes. You just need to get your heart pumping, your lungs breathing a bit heavier. It may be uncomfortable but you need to move your body! I personally am not a person that loves exercise but I love feeling good so I do it, every day!
I know everyone is different and exercise isn't one size fits all. We have different motivators, different goals, and various limitations. That is why I thought I would ask some friends and employees what ways they are getting out and moving today.
- Using a Trainer
"For me I just hate exercise, I am doing it because I know I need to, not because I love doing it. That is why I need a trainer. I need someone to keep me accountable and give me a hard time when I don't show up."
- Training for a Race
"I like running because it wakes me up and relieves my stress. I was never a runner growing up but always wanted to be. I got the app "Couch to 5k" which taught me how to run by doing small bursts of running and walking. To keep myself going every day, I need to set a goal and tell everyone about it. That's why I try to make sure I am always signed up for some upcoming race. By signing up, I will be sure to get out and train so that I won't embarrass myself on race day. "
- Get a Gym Membership
"Living in the mountains, I was always so resistant to getting a gym membership. It felt like a waste of money when I could just go outside and do something like hiking or running. Finally, I realized I need to work out in a gym. I need to have a place to go and dedicate an hour to actually working out. It makes me feel accomplished, and I can't use the excuse that I don't have time. "
- Yoga
"Yoga just doesn't feel like exercise to me. I do hot yoga, which I love in the winter when I am cold. I like that it isn't filled with fast movements, but you still get a killer work out. I also leave feeling so at peace and relaxed."
So everyone let's get moving. You may not succeed every day, but don't let that defeat you. Every day is a new day, so just try, try again. We promise the more often you do it, the easier it will be. And you will feel better which will lead to better things for you and your life! 30 minutes a day, I know you can do it!
How do you get your body moving? What are your struggles? Any tips?